

I've wanted to start a beauty blog for a while and after much persuasion and encouragement from a friend, I finally did it! Since I work in a beauty store and practically own half its contents (I wish I was over exaggerating) it’s fair to say I've trialed and tested enough products to give a decent opinion on them.

I’m pretty much a natural at talking people into how great something is and encouraging them to buy it, so why not put it out on the internet so it’s actually useful to people who were considering buying it anyway, rather than making just my friends spend money on things they hadn't even considered previously.

I tend to stick to high street/drugstore products since I’m only 21 and a student so unfortunately, I don’t have the money to splurge on higher end, luxury products so if you’d be interested in hearing my thoughts and opinions, give me a follow!

See you next time,
Dannie xo



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Can't wait for you to convince be to buy more stuff! ;)
